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What is Chemical Engineering?
Chemical engineering has a rich past and a bright future. Without their contributions, industri
es as diverse as petroleum processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, food processing, textiles, and chemical manufacturing would
not exist as we know them today. And chemical engineers, with their strong ties to the molecular sciences, will be the interfacial rese
archers bridging science and engineering in the multidisciplinary environments where a host of new technologies will be brought into
National Research Council(US)の出版書籍"Frontiers in Chemical Engineering"からAIChE(アメリカ化学工学会)引用
化 学工学の体系には産業界全般を支える基盤技術しての側面と、産業技術の急速な進展・変化に対応する未来指向型先端技術としての側面があります。
基盤技術ですが、社会が安心して信頼を寄せ活用するためには、伝統に支えられ我々の日常生活に必要な各種製品を間違いなく供給し得る確実な技術であることが要件となります。化学工学は、単位操作(Unit Operation)の概念を生み出しプロセスのモデリング(Engineering Science)を体系化することにより、このような要請に確実に答えてきた産業技術の要の一つです。
Traditional paradigms of chemical engineering
1888 The Massachusetts Institute of technology(MIT) started a chemical engineering program as an option in its chemical department.
1915 Unit operation(Arthur D.Little):
any chemical manufacturing process could be resolved into a coordinated series of operations.
1945-Engineering science movement:
the phenomena that take place in unit operations were resolved into sets of molecular events. Quantitative mechanistic models for th
ese events were developed.
New paradigms of chemical engineering
Precisely control chemical composition and structure: the explosion of new products and materials in the biotechnology/ electronics/ high performance materials industry
High product quality and performance: innovation in process design, control, and manufacturing operations.
Society's increasing awareness of health risks and environmental impacts: chemical engineering profession to act as the cradle-to-grave guardian for chemicals.
Tomorrow's chemical engineering: creation of new knowledge and tools