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It is widely known that today's chemical industry is challenging many advanced technology, including biotechnology and new materials. In 1986, the Department of Bioengineering was branched from the department of chemical engineering. In 1987, the previously integrated department of chemical engineering including chemical engineering, synthetic chemistry, and electrochemistry has been divided into two courses of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry from the educational point of view. The students in these two courses learn basic subjects together and study rather special subjects related to every due course separately, so that, after graduation, they will be researchers and engineers capable of applying the knowledge of these subjects to the chemical industry and others. The division belonged to Chemical Engineering Course are made up of Thermal Energy Engineering, Mass Transfer Operations, Mechanical Operations, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical Equipment Design, and Reaction Kinetics. The staff of Chemical Engineering Course is 7 Professors, 7 Associate Professors, and 7 Research Associates . |
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